Wednesday 24 April 2013

Task 01 Research

Task 01: Use the links below to research some facts about the history of computer games:

There are quite a number of websites devoted to the history of computer games.
Here are some:

Gives a description of the early developments of computer games until around 1985.

A site with brief reviews and images of many of the games produced for the various consoles, ranging from the Atari 2600 to the PlayStation 3.

Interesting site with an overview of many gameplay innovations and the first games that used them.

Useful timeline

Year 9 History of Games Questionnaire 01 Mr Ealey

1.  In what year did Physicist Willy Higinbotham invent the first video game?

2. Which newly founded company created the hugely successful arcade game Pong in 1972?

3. What was the first game to use vector graphics?

4. What was the name of the first colour game?

5. After dropping out of college in 1972, which company did Steve Jobs work for?

6. What was the name of the first home video system?

7. What was the name of the first arcade game to track and display high scores?

8. In 1979, what game was the first to allow users to enter three character initials, enabling high scorers’ names to be saved?

9. Why did the game Death Race cause the controversy that caused it to be withdrawn in 1976?

10. Find and show images of the following game interfaces:

Pacman (1980)
Donkey Kong (1981)
Space Invaders (1978)
Mario Brothers (1983)

11. In what years where these games released?

Super Breakout – Atari

Space Wars - Cinematronics

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