Monday 17 June 2013

Follow Through Action

Appendages like loose material, a coat, scarf, a feather on a hat, a tail on an animal will 'follow through' with their movement in animation. If a character runs to a stop then his coat will follow through. As the coat settles, the most flimsy part will overlap the main body of the material.

When this phenomenon is animated in a cycle, (the same drawings are reused), we can see eddies that follow a definite path before disappearing.

Task: Either import the images of the flag cycle and use them as a guide  to animate OR animate your own flag cycle. Do not add detail to the design, you will be marked on the movement/overlapping action.

Tip: Keep the flagpole constant by drawing it once on the level below the flag on the timeline and export everything

This six drawing cycle of a flag waving in the wind should be re-animated using Pencil software.
Be sure to incorporate the onion skin option.

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